The correct option is B False
What is a homogeneous function? OK. We will recall the concept. To check if the given function f(x,y) is homogeneous or not we first write f(kx,ky). Now if after some algebraic manipulation it is possible to take out kn as common making all xs and ys free of k, then f(x,y) is a homogeneous function.
Let’s write f(kx, ky)
f(x,y)=x tan(x2/y)+yf(kx,ky)=kx tan(k2x2/ky)+ky=kx tan(kx2/y)+kyk[x tan(kx2/y)+y]
Now you cannot take the k inside the argument of tan function out as common. So the given function cannot be written as knf(x,y).
Just because all xs and ys can’t be made free of k using any manipulation. So this is not a homogeneous function.