Yacc source program has 3 parts. Which of the following are Yacc source program parts?
Yacc("Yet another compiler compiler") is the standard parser generator for the UNIX operating system. An open source program, yacc generates code for the parser in the C programming language. The acronym is usually rendered in lowercase but is occasionally seen as Yacc.
YACC source program has 3 parts:-
The declarations section is used to declare and describe constructs that are needed by the parsing mechanism and the actions associated with rules in the rules section.
Translation rules:-
A YACC program is a translation scheme. Thus, a YACC parser evaluates the actions by a depth-first traversal of the parse tree.
C programs:-
Yacc provides a general tool for describing the input to a computer program. The Yacc user specifies the structures of his input, together with code to be invoked as each such structure is recognized.