You will need a piece of clear glass, a steel plate, a piece of thick paper, and a few drops of oil.
Hold up the clear glass and try to look at a lighted torch through it. You can see the light from the bulb through the glass because it lets the light through. It is transparent. What happens when you try to look at the torch through the steel plate? You cannot see the light because the steel plate does not let the light through. It is opaque.
What happens when you use the paper? Many types of paper will allow some light through. They are translucent. If your paper is opaque, rub a few drops of oil on it and check again.
In this list of items, circle the ones that are transparent and underline those that are opaque.
glass tumbler, steel plate, aluminum foil, soap, and plasticine.
Is a mirror transparent, translucent, or opaque?
From the list the transparent and opaque objects are-