Young's modulus of steel is 19×1010Nm2. Express it in dynecm2. Here dyne is the CGS unit of force.
None of these
The unit of young's modulus is Nm2.
This suggests that it has dimensions of (Force(distance)2)
Thus, [Y]=[F]L2=MLT−2L2=ML−1T−2
1Nm2is in SI units.
So, 1Nm2=(1kg)(1m)−1(1s)−2
And 1dynecm2=(1gm)(1cm)−1(1s)−2
So, 1Nm21dynecm2=(1kg1g)(1m1cm)−1(1s1s)−2
= 1000×1100×1 = 10
or, 1Nm2 = 10dynecm2
or, 19×1010Nm2=19×1011dynecm2