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Are there restrictions on the right to freedom justified? Give reasons for your answer. a) Indian citizens need permission to visit some border areas of the country for reasons of security. b) Outsiders are not allowed to buy property in some areas to protect the interest of the local population. c) The government bans the publication of a book that can go against the ruling party in the next elections.

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There are restrictions on the right to freedom. Right to freedom never allows a person to violate the freedom of his or her fellow citizens. The Right to freedom has to be exercised in such a manner that it does not harm or cause injuries to other people. There could be reasonable restrictions on the right to freedom when the larger interest of the society is taken into account.

Option (A) & (B)

  • Right to property is a constitutional right of the citizens of India.
  • People can live in any part of the country. It is their fundamental right, which comes under Right to freedom.
  • People have the right to go to any place and carry on with any trade, business or occupation.
  • Even if there is restriction on visit to border areas, it needs to be understood that Government has every right to protect and secure the borders of the nation from external aggression, so if the Government deems it fit that certain restrictions should be there in the border areas, then it needs to be understood that it is done keeping in mind the larger security issues of the country.

Option (C)

  • People have the right to freedom of speech and expression, which is a fundamental right.
  • The Government cannot ban publication of a book which can go against the ruling party in the next elections. The Constitution does not allow the Government to take such an action.
  • People have the right to have different opinions, people are allowed to criticise the Government. People can publicise their critical views of the government through songs, paintings, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets.
  • But the Constitution does not allow people to incite violence or instigate people to carry out rebellion against the Government. It is not constitutionally allowed.
  • But people do have the right to assemble peacefully and protest peacefully.

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