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Balance the following chemical equation: Fe+H2OFe3O4+H2

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Step 1: Given equation


Step 2: Method used for balancing the equation

Using the traditional method of balancing chemical equations. According to the method:

  • First, compare the total number of atoms of each element on the reactant side and the product side.
  • Add stoichiometric coefficients to molecules containing an element that has a different number of atoms on the reactant side and the product side.
  • The coefficient must balance the number of atoms on each side.
  • Usually, the stoichiometric coefficients for hydrogen and oxygen atoms are assigned last.
  • The number of atoms of an element in one species must be obtained by multiplying the stoichiometric coefficient by the total number of atoms of that element present in 1 molecule of the species.
  • Repeat this process till the number of all the atoms of the reacting elements are equal on both the reactant and product sides.

Step 3: Balancing the given equation

The given equation is: Fe+H2OFe3O4+H2

Equation: Fe+H2OFe3O4+H2
Reactant SideProduct Side
1 Iron atom3 Iron atoms
2 Hydrogen atoms 2 Hydrogen atoms
1 Oxygen atom 4 Oxygen atoms

First, the Iron atoms are balanced. After balancing the equation becomes: 3Fe+H2OFe3O4+H2

Then the Oxygen atoms are balanced. After balancing the equation becomes: 3Fe+4H2OFe3O4+H2

Finally, the Hydrogen atoms are balanced. After balancing the equation becomes: 3Fe+4H2OFe3O4+4H2

The updated equation is: 3Fe+4H2OFe3O4+4H2

Equation: 3Fe+4H2OFe3O4+4H2
Reactant SideProduct Side
3 Iron atoms3 Iron atoms
8 Hydrogen atoms 8 Hydrogen atoms
4 Oxygen atom 4 Oxygen atoms

Since the number of all the atoms of the reacting elements are equal on both the reactant and product sides are equal, the equation is balanced.

Hence the balanced equation is: 3Fe+4H2OFe3O4+4H2.

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