Which of the following is an equiangular and equilateral polygon?
Determine the figure which is equilateral and equiangular.
Any shape is Equilateral if all its sides are equal to each other.
Any shape is Equiangular if all of its angles are equal to each other
The explanation for the Correct answer:
Option (a): Square-The shape square is equilateral as its sides are equal to each other and is also equiangular as all its angles are equal to right angles.
So, "Option (a): Square" is a correct answer
The explanation for the incorrect answers:
Option (b): Rectangle-The shape of a rectangle is equiangular as all its angles are equal to the right angle but not equilateral as its sides are not equal.
So, "Option (b): Rectangle" is an incorrect answer
Option (c): Rhombus-The rhombus is an equilateral as its sides are equal but all angles of a rhombus are not equal.
So, "Option (c): Rhombus' is an Incorrect answer
Option (d): A right triangle - A right triangle is neither equilateral as its sides are not equal nor it is equiangular as its angle are also not equal in general.
So, "Option (d): A right triangle " is an incorrect answer
So, the only correct option is “Option (a): Square”.