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Which sources of energy would you suggest for


rural areas

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coastal areas

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Arid regions

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The correct option is A

rural areas

(a) Rural areas

Rural areas can depend on Solar energy and Biogas.

  • As India is a tropical country, there is massive scope to tap solar energy.
  • Sunlight is directly converted into electricity using Photovoltaic technology.
  • Solar energy is gaining enormous popularity in remote areas and rural areas.
  • To reduce the dependence of rural households on dung cakes and firewood, big solar power plants are being established. This will help in retaining adequate supply of manure to agricultural activities and help in conservation of environment.
  • Human, animal, farm wastes and shrubs are used to produce biogas for domestic consumption in rural areas.
  • Compared to charcoal, dung cake, and kerosene; the thermal efficiency is much higher through decomposition of organic matter which yields gas.
  • Biogas plants are set up at individual levels, cooperative levels, and municipal levels.
  • In rural areas, Gobar gas plants are the ones which make use of cattle dung.
  • It provides two benefits to the farmer in the form of improved quality of manure and in the form of energy.
  • The most efficient use of cattle dung is its use in biogas plants.
  • It not only prevents the loss of trees and manure due to burning of cow dung cakes and fuel wood but also improves the quality of manure.

(b) Coastal Areas

In coastal areas, we can make use of wind energy and tidal energy.

  • An inexhaustible source of energy is wind energy.
  • Currently wind mills are used to produce electricity, as the high speed winds rotate the wind mill which is connected to a generator.
  • Wind farms have clusters of such wind mills which are located in mountain passes and coastal regions where steady and strong winds keep blowing.
  • Electricity is generated using ocean tides.
  • Across the inlets, floodgates are built.
  • When the gate is closed, water gets trapped when the water flows into the inlet during high tide.
  • The ideal conditions for providing tidal energy are in the Gangetic delta in Sunderban regions of West Bengal, the Gulf of Kuchchh and the Gulf of Khambhat in Gujarat.

c)Arid Regions

In the arid regions, we can use solar energy as the source of energy.

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