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  • Which is a stronger ionic or Hydrogen bond?

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Hydrogen bond:

  • Hydrogen is attracted to electronegative atoms such as Oxygen, Fluorine, or Nitrogen in another molecule.
  • For example, the Hydrogen fluoride molecule is formed by the Hydrogen bond which exists between the Hydrogen atom of one molecule and the Fluorine atom of another molecule.

Ionic bond:

  • It is formed between the elements with comparatively low ionization enthalpies and elements with comparatively high negative values of electron gain enthalpy.
  • Ionic compounds have cations made up of metallic elements and anions composed of nonmetallic elements.
  • The Ammonium ion is made up of two nonmetallic elements which is an exception because a number of ionic compounds contain it as a cation.

Strongest bond: Ionic bond is stronger than the Hydrogen bond due to the greater bond strength and a shorter bond length.

  • In an ionic bond, the cation and anion are attracted through electrostatic force, whereas in a Hydrogen bond, the polarised molecule is attracted by Vander-Waals force.
  • Hydrogen bonds are intermolecular forces between molecules, while ionic bonds are intramolecular forces within the molecule.
  • Hydrogen bonds are easily formed and broken but the ionic bonds are not easily breakable.
  • Ionic bonds have an actual charge on the atom, but hydrogen bonds only have partial charges.
  • The Hydrogen bond has a low enthalpy of dissociation.
  • Water molecules are held together by the intermolecular forces of attraction. Table salt is held together by strong ionic bonds.

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