Metaphase I
Trending Questions
Which stage of the meiotic prophase shows terminalization of chiasmata as its distinctive feature?
What are the 5 stages of Prophase I?
Define heterotypic division.
- kinetochore
- centrosome
- centromere
- centrioles
A) Chromosomes are moved to spindle equator | 1) Pachytene |
B) Centromere splits and chromatids move apart | 2) Zygotene |
C) Pairing between homologous chromosomes takes place | 3) Anaphase |
D) Crossing over between homologous chromosomes takes place | 4) Metaphase |
- A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1
- A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
- A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
- A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1
- Kinetochores
- Centrosome
- Sister chromatids
- Spindlepoles
Two allelic genes are located on
Two homologous chromosomes, each having one gene
Two non-homologous chromosomes
Any two chromosomes with one each
Same chromosome
In mitosis, the number of chromosome sets in daughter cells will be ___________.
How to identify the pachytene?
- Anaphase I - Homologous chromosomes are separated
- Interphase - A nuclear envelope encloses each haploid set of chromosomes
- Metaphase I - Pairing of maternal and paternal homologous chromosomes take place
- Prophase I - Non-homologous chromosomes are separated

- Cells B and C
- Cells D and E, cells F and G
- No two cells
- Cells D and F, cells E and G
What happens to the sister chromatids in Anaphase I?
What happens to the homologous chromosomes in Anaphase l ?
Reorganization of genetic material occurs during
- 8
- 32
- 16
- 4
- Metaphase-I
- Metaphase-II
- Anaphase-II
- Anaphase-I
In the case of multiple allelism, factors are present:
- On same locus of the pair of chromosomes
- On different loci of the same chromosome
On non-sister chromatids
- On different chromosomes
The exchange of chromatid parts between the maternal and the paternal chromatids of a pair of homologous chromosomes during meiosis.
- Four
- Eight
- Uncertain
- Two
- Undergo division
- Do not divide
- Divide but do not seperate
- Are not similar
- Prophase I
- Metaphase I
- Anaphase I
- Telophase l
- always twenty-three chromosomes
- single chromosomes
- unpaired duplicated chromosomes
- bivalents
- When 2nd polar body is separated
- When 3rd polar body is separated
- When 1st polar body is separated
- When 2nd polar body is divided
Chiasmata are formed during meiosis
- Before metaphase I
- During metaphase II
- During prophase II
- After metaphase I
- Metaphase I
- Anaphase II
- Prophase II
- Metaphase II
- Prophase I
- Anaphase I
- Metaphase II
- Metaphase I
- Anaphase II