A jumbled word is given here. Write the correct form of the word. QUIFERA
∙ Freshwater is available in very less quantity.
Only 0.006% of the total water on the earth is available as freshwater and is consumable by living beings.
The given word unscrambles as ‘freshwater’.
The process of replenishing the groundwater with the help of rainwater is called recharging.
The given word unscrambles as ‘recharge’.
This is done using rainwater harvesting.
Groundwater sometimes gets stored in between the layers of hard rocks below the water table.
This is called an aquifer.
Tube wells and hand pumps are often used to draw out water from aquifers.
The given word unscrambles as ‘aquifer’.
Snow is the solidified form of water.
At higher altitudes, where the temperature is very low, water from clouds precipitate in the form of hail or snow.
The given word unscrambles as ‘snow’.