A company X Ltd. manufacturing cosmetics, which has enjoyed a pre-eminent position in a business, has grown in size. Its business was very good till 1991. But after that, a new liberalised environment has seen an entry of many MNC's in the sector.
With the result, the market share of X Ltd. has declined. The company had followed a very centralised business model with directors and divisional heads making even minor decisions. Before 1991, this business model had sewed the company very well as consumers have no choice. But now, the company is under pressure to reform.
How will the changes suggested by you help the firm? (Keep in mind that the sector in which the company is FMCG).
Benefits that the company would derive from these changes are:
(i) Developing initiative among subordinates.
(ii) Development of managerial talent for the future.
(iii) Quick decision-making.
(iv) Relief to the top management.
(v) Better control, since each department or individual can be held accountable for his/her results.