A lead storage battery containing 5.0 L of (1N) H2SO4 solution is operated for 9.65×105 s with a steady current of 100 mA. Assuming volume of the solution remaining constant, normality of H2SO4 will:
A lead storage battery containing 5.0L of H2SO4 solution is operated for 9.65×105s with a steady current of 100 mA. Assuming volume of the solution remains constant, normality of H2SO4 will :
A current of 0.250 A is passed through 400 ml of a 2.0 M solution of NaCl for 32 minutes and 10 seconds. What will be the pH of the solution after the current is turned off? Take log 2 = 0.3, log 3 = 0.5, log 5 = 0.7