a) Describe the mechanism of pollination in salvia. b) Is cheetah extinct or endangered in India. Why?
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a) Salvia is a genus of plants belonging to the family Lamiaceae.
They are characterized by a staminal lever mechanism which aids in the transfer of pollen grains in them.
Salvia is excellent example of insect pollination is which pollination occurs by lever or turn pipe mechanism.
In these plants, the monothetic stamens are modified into levers.
The thin ligament between the connective and the filament forms a joint that is then divided into upper and lower arms.
This structure enables the stamen to transfer pollen.
A pollinating agent pushes back the lower lever arms while collecting nectar to allow the pollen-sacs at the end of the upper lever arms to drop the pollen onto the pollinator's head or back.
This pollinator transfers the pollen to the plant stigma as it travels from one flower to the other.
b) The Asiatic cheetah in India has become extinct in India.
It has become extinct from India due to unnatural causes.