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(a) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the experimental set up for observing the scattering of light in a colloidal solution of sulphur to show how the sky appears blue, and the sun appears red at sunrise and sunset.
(b) Out of blue light and red light, which one is scattered more easily ?
(c) Which component of sunlight is scattered away when the sun appears red at sunrise or sunset ?
(d) What causes the scattering of blue component of sunlight in the atmosphere ?

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(a)Apparatus Required :
Sodium Thio sulphate solution, sulphuric acid and beaker , source of light, convex lens

The source of light is passed at focus of convex lens , so as to produce parallel beam of light rays.
observations :
Due to chemical reaction which occurs, we get sulphur as precipitate. We can see that the blue colour get scattered due to its smaller wavelength by sulphur particles [ view from side of beaker]
If we view it from convex lens L1, source, we see a red patch on screen.mainly because red colour reaches screen after passing through colloidal solution containing sulphur.

(b) blue
Rayleigh scattering is inversely proportional to the fourth power of wavelength, so that shorter wavelength violet and bluelight will scatter more than the longer wavelengths (yellow and especially red light).
(c)Components of sunlight other than red and orange are scattered away at the time of sunset or sunrise. Red light travels to our eyes as it is the least scattered light, hence Sun appears red.
(d)Blue light is scattered in all directions by the tiny molecules of air in Earth'satmosphere. Blue is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller wave length
Rayleigh scattering is inversely proportional to the fourth power of wavelength, so that shorter wavelength violet and bluelight will scatter more than the longer wavelengths (yellow and especially red light).

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