A wheel and axle is a simple machine made up of two identical cylinders.
A wheel and axle is made up of two cylinders or discs that are connected by a common axis and have differing diameters.
The wheel and axle together form a simple machine. Given below is an example of wheel and axle arrangements. Label the wheel and axle in the given example.
The simple machine with a grooved wheel and a rope is_______. (a pulley/wheel and axle).
How does wheel and axle act like a simple machine?
Lever, inclined plane, screw, wedge, pulley, wheel, and axle are the six machines that make our day-to-day life easier. But one of the simple machines does not move while at work. Identify the simple machine. Explain why it is considered a simple machine.
A simple machine is made up of many smaller machines.