A wooden plank of mass ‘m’ and dimensions l×b floats over a very shallow river of Thickness ‘T’ and viscosity η. At the speed of the plank is v0. A car is at rest on the bank at this instant the plank is adjacent to the car which starts to move with a constant acceleration If after sometime when the speed of the plank is v02t. The car catches up with the plank t. (The car moves with a constant acceleration). Find the speed of the car at this instant when the car is crossing the plank
v0ln 2
−ηAvT=mdvdt−ηAvT=mvdvdxηATm∫x0dx=−∫v02v0dvx=v02TmηA……(I)−ηAvTm=dvdt−ηATm∫t0dt=∫v02v0dvvt=(ln 2)TmηA……(II)12at2=v0Tm2ηA(from I)(at)t=v0Tm2ηAV(ln 2)TmηA=v0Tm2ηA(from (II)V=v0ln 2