An inorganic halide (A) gives the following reations:
(i) the cation of (A) on reaction with H2S in HCl medium, gives a black ppt. of (B). (A) neither gives ppt. with HCl nor blue colour with K4Fe(CN)6.
(ii) (B) on heating with dil. HCl gives back compound (A) and a gas (C) which gives a black ppt. With lead acetate solution.
(iii) the anion of (A) gives chromyl chloride test.
(iv) (B) dissolves in hot dil. HNO3 to give a solution, (D). (D) gives ring test.
(v) when NH4OH solution is added to (D), a white precipitate (E) is formed. (E) dissolves in minimum amount of dil. HCl to give a solution of (A). Aqueous solution of (A) on addition of water gives a whitish turbidity (F).
(vi) aqueous solution of (A) on warming with alkaline sodium stannite gives a black precipitate of a metal (G) and sodium stannate. The metal (G) dissolves in hydrochloride acid to give solution of A.