An organic compound contains only Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. It has about 66% of Carbon and 13.3% of Hydrogen. It has a vapour density of 37. The possible isomers of all types for this compound is .
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Percentage of Oxygen in the compound = 100 - (66 + 13.3) = 20.7%
C H O 66 13.3 20.7
Dividing them by their atomic masses, we get,
C H O 661213.3120.716 5.513.31.29
Dividing by 1.29 we get,
C H O 4.2 10.3 1
Rounding off, we get C4H10O.
This can be confirmed by the molecular weight = Vapour density ×2= 74
Since the DBE of the compound is 0, it is either an alcohol or an ether.
The possible structures of the compound is given below: