The sources of the Vedic period were the Vedas , Texts, Hymns to the deities, Upanishas, Arayanka or forest books, excavations etc.
Features of early Vedic society include:
a. It was simple and human equality prevailed.
b. The society was organised on the basis of family as a unit.Family was given more importance.Father was the head of the family.
c. The society followed the system of Chaturashrama or four fold division of human life.Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprashta and Sanyasa.
d. Women enjoyed a high position in the society. They were provided education and there was no system of child marriage.
e. Social equality prevailed among men and there exists no caste system.
f. The economic condition of the people were good. Agriculture was the main occupation of the people.rearing of cattle and sheep also prevailed.