Column 1: Information about curves
Column 2: Type of curves
Column - 3: eccentricity of the curves given in column - 1
Column−1Column−2Column−3(I)The curve such that products(i)Circle(P)e=1of the distances of any of its tangent from two given pointsis constant can be(II)A curve for which the length(ii)Parabola(Q)e<1of the subnormal at any of it'spoint is equal to 2 and the curvepasses through (1,2) can be(III)A curve passes through (1,4) and(iii)Ellipse(R)e=0is such that the segment joining any point P on the curve and thepoint of intersection of the normalat P with the x-axis is bisected bythe y-axis. the curve can be(IV)A curve passes through (1,2) is(iv)Hyperbola(S)e>1such that the length of thenormal at any of its pointis equal to 2.
Which of the following options is the only correct combination?