Consider the following C program:
# include <stdio.h>
# define EOF - 1
void push (int); /* push the argument on the stack */
int pop (void); /* pop the top of the stack*/
void flag Error( );
int main ( )
int c, m, n, r;
while ((c = getchar ( ))! = EOF)
if (isdigit (c))
push (c);
else if ((c = = '+') | | (c = = '*'))
m = pop ( );
n = pop ( );
r = (c = = '+') n + m : n*m;
push (r);
else if ( c! = ' ')
flag Error ( );
printf("%c", pop( ));
What is the output of the program for the following input?
5 2 * 3 3 2 + * +