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Define the following:
(i) Disease
(ii) Health
(iii) Vaccinations
(iv) Immunity
(v) Antiseptic
(vi) Cancer
(vii) Allergy
(viii) Hypersensitivity
(ix) Penicillin
(x) Disinfectant
(xi) Penicillin
(xii) Suphonamide drugs
(xiii) Acquired disease
(xiv) Prophylaxis
(xv) Antibiotic

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(i) Disease: It is the disorder or disturbance, physical or physiological by nature, in the functioning of any part or an organ of the body.

(ii) Health: According to WHO, health is a state of complete mental, physical and social well-being.

(iii) Vaccination: It is the process of protection of the body from communicable diseases by the administration of some agents that mimic the microbe. The agent can be a suspension of killed or attenuated microbes, or a substance that mimics the disease-causing microbes.

(iv) Immunity: It is that characteristic of the body that enables it to fight against the pathogens and other biological agents that enter and harm our body.

(v) Antiseptic: It is a class of chemicals that destroy pathogens but are harmless if used on human beings.

(vi) Cancer: It is a class of disease caused by uncontrolled proliferation of cells without any differentiation.

(vii) Allergy: It is the hypersensitivity of a person to some foreign substance coming in contact with or entering the body.

(viii) Hypersensitivity: The undesirable reactions produced by the normal immune system, such as allergy.

(ix) Immunisation: It is the process by which individuals are made immune against various diseases.

(x) Disinfectant: It is a general anti-biological substance used to kill pathogens. It may cause harm to skin and body.

(xi) Penicillin: The first antibiotic to be used effectively to treat systemic bacterial diseases. It is obtained from a fungus Penicillium notatum. It primarily kills gram-positive bacteria and some gram-negative bacteria.

(xii) Sulphonamide drugs: These drugs inhibit the growth of bacteria. Sulphonamides have a high medical value and is readily absorbed by digestive system.

(xiii) Acquired disease: Acquired disease is caused by a pathogen or a deficiency disease. It may be communicable or non-communicable. Typhoid and cholera are two examples of communicable diseases, while cancer, allergies and diabetes are examples of non-communicable diseases.

(xiv) Prophylaxis: A series of measures taken to prevent diseases.

(xv) Antibiotic: A chemical substance produced by a microorganism that is capable of destroying or inhibiting the growth of other microorganisms.

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