(a) Fertiliser and Manure (0.5 * 4 = 2 marks)
Fertiliser Manurei.A fertiliser is an inorganic salt. i.Manure is an organic substance obtained by decomposition of animal and plant waste.ii.A fertiliser is prepared in factories.ii.Manure can be prepared in the fields.iii.Fertilisers are very rich in nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.iii. Manure is relatively less rich in nutrients.iv. A fertiliser does not provide any humus to the soil.iv. Manure provides humus to the soil.
(b) Seed drill and Funnel sowing (1 * 2 = 2 marks)
Seed drill Funnel sowingi.It is a tractor-driven modern tool used for sowing.i.It is cattle-driven traditional tool used for sowing.ii.It is an efficient method of sowing and saves time.ii.It is a laborious and time consuming method.