Differentiate between departmental stores and chain stores on the following basis : (a) Location, (b) Range of product, (c) Services offered, (d) Pricing, (e) Class of customer, (f) Credit facilities.
Following points show the difference between the two :
S.NoBasisDepartmentalChain-store/storeMultiple stores(a)LocationA departmentalMultiple store/store is located at achain stores arecentral place wherelocated at aa large number ofnumber of placescustomers can befor approaching attracted to ita large number of customer (b)Range ofThese store carry aThe multiple storeproductvariety of productsaims to satisfy theof different typesrequirements ofto satify all thecustomers relatingneed of customersto a specified rangeunder one roof.of their productonly.(c)ServicesDepartmental storesThe multiple storeoffered give great emphasisprovide very to their customerslimited serviceslike alteration ofconfined togarments,guarantees andnestrooms,repairs the goods, if resturants etc.they turnout to be defective.(d)Pricing The departmental storesThe multiple chainstores do not haveshops sell goodsuniform pricingat fixed prices andpolicy for all themaintain uniformdepartments; ratherpricing policy forthey have to all the shops.occassionally ofterdiscounts, rebateetc. to clean theunsold stock.(e)Class of These stores caterThe chain storescustomerto the needs ofcater to differencerelatively hightypes of customersincome group ofincluding lowercustomers whoincome groupscare more for thewho are interetedservices providedin buyinginstead of thequality goods atprices of goods.reasonable price.