Differentiate between Leadership and Management.
BasisLeadershipMangementMeaningLeading people to perform tasks.Controlling tasks and activitiesand activities.ScopeProvides direction across managerialInvolves all activities under thetools-Planning, Organising,managerial tools-Planning, Orga-Staffing, Directing and Controlling.nising, Staffing, Directing andControlling.StructureAligns all activities within aProvides and establishes structure.structural framework.Employee relationsMotivates, inspires and empowersDevelops incentives and takes correctiveemployeees to boost their morale. actions to boost employee's morale.SatisfactionMotivates, inspires and empowersMakes physical changes in the organisationemployees to create satisfaction.to make feasible working conditions.Flow of directionMultidirectional across organisationalUnidirectional from top to bottom.levels.VisionDo what is right.Do things in a right manner.