Racemose inflorescence | Cymose inflorescence |
1)It is indefinite inflorescence in which flowers are arranged acropetally that is a younger flower at the center while older flower at the base. | 1)It is definite inflorescence with an older flower at center and younger flower at the base. |
2)Example-pea, wheat | 2)Example-petunia, chili |
Fibrous Root | Adventitious Root |
1)It is the primary root that is short-lived and replaced by lateral roots and mainly found in monocots. | 1)The root that arises from a part of a plant other than radicle. |
2)it is found in plants like wheat, rice etc. | 2)It is found in Banyan, Dahlia etc. |
Apocarpous Ovary | Syncarpous ovary |
1)More than one carpel is present but fused. | 1)More than one carpel is present but free |
2)These are found in lotus and rose. | 2)These are found in mustard and tomato. |