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Discuss the following techniques of scientific work study.

(i) Time Study

(ii) Motion Study

(iii) Fatigue Study

(iv) Method Study

(v) Simplification and Standardisation of Work.

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Techniques of Taylor's scientific management

(i) Time Study: It determines the standard time taken to perform a well-defined job. Time measuring devices were used to conduct this study. This type of study is helpful in deciding the time required to perform a job.

(ii) Motion Study: Motion study refers to an in-depth study of the movements of a worker while doing a task. Taylor recognised three types of movements:

(a) Productive

(b) Unproductive

(c) Incidental

The objective of motion study is to eliminate unproductive movements in doing a task to achieve efficiency and reduce the time required to do the task.

(iii) Fatigue Study: Fatigue study seeks to find out the amount and frequency of rest intervals to be given to workers in completing a task. This would help the worker to regain his stamina and work with the same efficiency again.

(iv) Method Study: This technique of scientific management is conducted to find out the 'one best method or way' of performing a particular task. The objective of this study is to minimise the cost of production and maximise the quality and satisfaction of the customer.

(v) Simplification and Standardisation of Work: Standardisation is the process of setting standards for every business activity, process, raw materials, time machinery, and methods, to achieve efficiency. Simplification means eliminating superfluous sizes, varieties, and dimensions, Its aim is to.

(a) Eliminate unnecessary diversity of products and thereby reduce costs.

(b) Help in achieving economy in the use of required machines and tools.

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