Distinguish between the following pair of terms:
[Review Questions - SAQ - 1]
(a) Egg and sperm.
(b) Sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction.
(c) Budding and Regeneration.
(a) Egg and sperm
1. The ovaries produce eggs.
2. The egg is spherical in shape with a nucleus.
1. The testes produce sperm.
2. Sperm has a head with the nucleus, middle piece and tail.
(b) Sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction.
Sexual reproduction
1. In sexual reproduction, the two sexes produce sperm and eggs by the male and female.
2. To produce a new individual the sperm has to reach the ovum and fuse with it. e.g.. Humans, bird, reptile, etc.
Asexual reproduction:
1. It involves the production of an offspring from a single parent without the fusion of reproductive cells (gametes).
2 The process does faster multiplication, e.g. Lower plants and animals (Amoeba).
(c) Budding and Regeneration
Budding is a process where buds grow on the external parent body. The buds fall off when they are large enough.
Example: Hydra
Regeneration is the process that uses cell division to regrow lost body parts.
Example: Starfish, sponges