Dyes in water-soluble markers may be separated by means of
Explanation for Correct answer:(C) Chromatography- It is a process, used to separate the components of a mixture (gases or liquid solution) of different compositions.
A very minute quantity of a mixture (a dot) is placed on a stationary phase (solid or liquid) and a mobile phase such as water or any gas is allowed to pass over the stationary phase.
The mobile phase carries the components of the mixture along with it according to their solubility in pure solvent. So, a minute quantity of solute can be separated from the mixture by this technique.
Explanation for incorrect answer: (A) Distillation: a technique used to separate a mixture of two miscible (homogeneously soluble) liquids having different boiling points.
(B) Evaporation: it is a process used to separate the solid component from the homogeneous mixture of solid and liquid.
(D) Sublimation: the process in which a solid is directly converted to a vapour state without changing to a liquid state is called sublimation. Example- camphor, naphthalene, etc.
Hence to separate dyes in water-soluble markers (C) chromatography technique is used.