Conversion of Ethane to bromoethene
Ethane reacts with bromine to give bromoethane which reacts with KOH(alcoholic) to form ethane. Ethenereacts with HBr in the presence of CCl4 to give 1,2-dibromoethane which reacts with KOH(alcoholic) to give bromo ethane.
CH3-CH3 + Br2 ---> CH3CH2Br + KOH(alc)-----> CH2=CH2 + HBr
Ethane bromoethane ethene
CH2=CH2 + 2HBr(in presence of CCl4)-----> CH2Br-CH2Br
Ethene 1,2-dibromoethane
CH2Br-CH2Br + KOH(alc)-----> CH2=CHBr + HBr
1,2-dibromoethane bromoethene