Find the ratio of 112minutes to 45seconds
112minutes to 45seconds
Two quantities are not in the same units. So, we have to convert them into the same units.
90seconds to 45seconds=90seconds45secondsNote:HCF(90,45)=45
Hence, the ratio of 112minutes to 45seconds is 2˸1
Simplify : 34÷( 16÷12 )
If f=x1+x2+13(x1+x2)3+15(x1+x2)5+... to ∞ and g=x−23x3+15x5+17x7−29x9+..., then f=d×g. Find 4d.
Find the ratio of(i) 75 cm to 1 km(ii) 45 sec to 2 hours
loge(n+1)−loge(n−1)=4a[(1n)+(13n3)+(15n5)+...∞] Find 8a.