Fungi are eukaryotic heterotrophic organisms without chlorophyll. They may be saprophytes, parasites, decomposers, or symbiotic organisms. It has the vegetative body known as the thallus, they may be mycelial or nonmycelial. The mycelial thallus has to branch tubular filaments called the hyphae. The hyphae are of two types; the vegetative or assimilatory hyphae and reproductive or fertile hyphae. The fungal cell is surrounded by a rigid cellulosic or chitinous cell wall. Some of the fungal cell organelles are mitochondria, Endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, microbodies, lysosomes, centrioles, and nuclei. The fungal nutrition is saprotrophic, parasitic, or symbiotic. Fungi reproduce vegetatively, asexually, and sexually.