Sl. No. | Sea Breeze | Land Breeze |
1. | Breeze blowing from the sea towards the land due to the relative heating up of the land during the daytime is called sea breeze. | Breeze blowing from the land towards the sea due to the relative cooling down of the land during the night is called land breeze. |
2. | Sea breeze is an example of convection current that occurs during the daytime. | Land breeze is an example of convection current that occurs at night. |
Sl. No. | Laboratory Thermometer | Clinical Thermometer |
1. | Laboratory thermometers are used in laboratories to measure temperature and change in temperature with a high degree of precision. | Clinical thermometer, also called doctor's thermometer, is used at home to measure the temperature of the human body. |
2. | Laboratory thermometers do not have a kink and cannot be used to measure the temperature of the body. | Clinical thermometer has a kink to prevent the mercury from sliding back into the bulb. |
3. | The temperature range of a laboratory thermometer is between -10ₒC to 110ₒC. | The temperature range of a clinical thermometer is between 35ₒC to 43ₒC. |