Hand pumps and deep boring pipes were installed in an area to cater to the water scarcity there. Is this a good practice? Name some alternative measures which ensure enough water supply? [3 MARKS]
Reasoning: 2 Marks
Alternative ways: 1 Mark
Installing hand pumps and deep boring pipes in an area where there is water scarcity is not a good practice. Groundwater is a major source of fresh water for human beings. It is true that groundwater gets recharged through infiltration but the process of infiltration is very slow and if the rate of consumption of groundwater is greater than the rate of infiltration then groundwater will be deplete eventually. So people should use groundwater judiciously. Otherwise, the water table would go down and ultimately we will run out of groundwater.
Other ways in which we can ensure enough water supply are:
i) Rainwater Harvesting - It is a method of collection and storage of rainwater for domestic or agricultural use later. This reduces our dependence on groundwater.
ii) Bawris are big tanks with steps going down are constructed to store rainwater for a longer time as the amount of water evaporated will be less.