Both sexual and asexual reproduction is possible in prokaryotes.
Conjugation is the sexual way of reproduction in prokaryotes, and binary fission is the asexual mode of reproduction.
Sexual reproduction in prokaryotes:
The first stage of sexual reproduction in bacteria involves bacterial virus-mediated transduction.
The second stage involves plasmid-mediated conjugation, and the third stage involves natural transformation.
A sex pilus, which is basically an extension of the plasm membrane, is used to transfer DNA from the donor cell to the receiving cell.
Asexual reproduction in prokaryotes:
Prokaryotic cells reproduce mostly through binary fission.
Binary fission refers to the formation of two daughter cells from a parent cell. It occurs in favorable settings.
Duplication of dsDNA is followed by elongation of the bacterial cell, which results in the creation of two infoldings, two new plasma membranes, and a cell wall.