How does biogas help in reducing pollution in our enbenvironm
One of the gases produced by the decomposition of manure is methane gas, which is estimated to trap 20 to 30 times as much atmospheric heat as carbon dioxide, and reducing methane releases into the air is a crucial element of the fight to limit global warming. The relatively simple digestion process that produces biogas converts a foul-smelling manure pile from a methane-emitting climate villain to high-quality vehicle fuel. And digestion doesn’t reduce the value of manure as an agricultural fertilizer. The important substance for plant growth is nitrogen, which remains in place after extraction of biogas.
This leads to further environmental advantages. By reducing the weight and volume of fertilizer, biogas extraction cuts down on transportation pollution. And increasing the amount of fertilizer available from composted waste reduces the need for artificial fertilizers, which release the extremely powerful greenhouse gas nitrous oxide.