The correct option is
B Have a listen to this song!
Few words can be used as both nouns and verbs. When a word is used as an action word, it is called a verb. When a word is used as the main subject of the sentence, it becomes a noun.Here, we have to find out a sentence, where 'listen' is used as a noun. Hence, 'listen' should be the subject/object of the sentence and not an action.
Option A - 'I always listen to you' is a wrong choice. Here, the subject 'I' does an action 'listen'. As 'listen' is an action here, it is a verb and not a noun. Hence, option A is incorrect.
Option C - 'I have listened to this many times' is a wrong choice. Here, the subject 'I' is doing an action 'have listened', hence, it is a verb. Thus option C is incorrect.
Option D - 'Listen!' is a wrong choice. Here, someone asks the other person to do an action of listening, hence it is a verb and not a noun. Thus option D is incorrect.
Option B - 'Have a listen to this song' is a right choice. Here, the subject asks someone to have a 'listen', (for example, 'Have a pen!'). Here the word 'listen' is an object and not an action, hence it is a noun. Thus option B is the correct answer.