If the Himalayas weren’t situated where they are now, the climatic conditions of the Indian sub continent would be as follows:
i) Himalayas act as the natural boundary for Indian sub-continent.
ii) If the Himalayas weren’t situated where they are now, then climate in India get adversely affected by it.
iii) The cold winds from north could have cause snow fall and temperature in these areas would have reach below -2°C during winters.
iv) This would have also affected the rainfall. The monsoon winds would have flew towards North. Rainfall season in North India would have get limited for a month in a year.
v) The climate in Eastern India would have been same as North India. The state of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Odisha, would have also get cold climate during winters with snowfall sometimes.
vi) Climate in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh,etc would have not get much affected but must have face problem of less rainfall due to absence of Himalaya.