If the universal set U = {x : x non-negative integers) and A = { y : y ∈ N } , find A’
U = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4,…….}
A = {1, 2, 3,…….}
A’ = U – A = {0}
Given universal set = {x∈Z:−6<x≤6},N={n:n is a non−negative number } and P = {x:x is a non−positive number}Find:(i)N‘(ii)P‘
Given the universal set = Universal ~set = {x:x∈ N and x<20} ~find:
(i) A = {x:x=3p;p∈ N }
(ii) B = {y:y=2n+3,n∈ N }
(iii) C = {x:x is divisible by 4}
Given U={x:x∈N,x≤9}, A={x:x is divisible by 2} and B={x:x3∈N}, where U is the universal set. Then, (A∪B)−(A∩B) = ____.