The correct option is
C (A)
→(iii), (B)
→(iv), (C)
→(i), (D)
An antibiotic refers to a substance produced wholly or partly by chemical synthesis, which in low concentrations inhibits the growth or destroys microorganisms by intervening in their metabolic processes.
Examples of antibiotics are- Penicillin, Erythromycin, Tetracycline,
Ofloxacin, Chloramphenicol, Aminoglycosides
Analgesics reduce or abolish pain without causing impairment of
consciousness, mental confusion, incoordination or paralysis or some
other disturbances of the nervous system.
Examples of analgesics are-Aspirin, Morphine, Heroin, Codeine.
Tranquillizers are a class of chemical compounds used for the treatment of stress and mild or even severe mental diseases. These relieve anxiety, stress, irritability or excitement by inducing a sense of well-being.
Examples of Tranquilizers are-chlordiazepoxide,meprobamate,veronal, amytal, nembutal, luminal,Phenelzine.
Antiseptics are applied to the living tissues such as wounds, cuts, ulcers and diseased skin surfaces. Examples are furacine,soframicine. Commonly
used antiseptic, dettol is a mixture of chloroxylenol and terpineol.