Match the pairs relating to different revenue settlements and official related to these settlements:-
1-A, 2-B, 3-C
Permanent settlement – (1793)-
Official were Lord Cornwallis, John Shore and James Grant.
State demand was fixed at 89% and Zamindar’s share was 11%
Areas were- regions of Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Banaras and Northern Carnatic.
Ryotwari settlement (1807):-
Introduced in Madras, Bombay and Assam etc.
Under the Ryotwari system the peasant, as owners of land paid revenue directly to the state officials. There was no one who stood between them to claim rent. Yet revenue demand in the Ryotwari areas tended to be very high. Unlike Bengal it was never permanently fixed to leave the room open for periodic increases in the revenue burden. The Ryotwari system was first introduced in Madras.
Official related to this were Thomas Munro and Captain Reed
Mahalwari Settlement (1830):-
Mahalwari system was introduced in the North West Provinces, the Punjab, Delhi, Parts of Central India and Uttar Pradesh.
In this system, the land was not owned by an individual be it zamindar or any cultivator but by a group of estates or villages called Mahal. The Mahal was collectively known as the landlord and revenue was collected from the head of the Mahal, also known as Talukdar.
Officials responsible were Halt Mackenzie and Martin Bird.