Naming: 2 Marks
Description: 3 Marks
Stages in the development of human embryo:
Egg (Ovum) - Unfertilized stage, released from ovary.
Zygote - Fertilized egg, 1-cell (unicellular) state.
Morula - A spherical mass of cells.
Trophoblast - A single layer of cells enclosing an enlarged cavity.
Blastocyst - An inner cell mass which projects centrally from the surrounding cellular layer.
Embryo - A tiny organism about the size of a large pea.
(3 weeks)
Advanced embryo - Heart and blood vessels have formed (but no limbs).
(5 weeks)
Foetus (8 weeks) - Limbs have appeared. Some resemblance with a baby.
Infant - Born at the end of nearly 4 weeks.