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Of the four noble truth taught by Buddha, the basic truth was __________.

Existence of sorrow
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Causes of sorrow
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Cessation of sorrow is possible by elimination of desire
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The way of end sorrow lies in following the eight fold path
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The correct option is D The way of end sorrow lies in following the eight fold path
Gautama Buddha recommended an eight-fold path (ashtangika marga) for the elimination of human misery. The path is attributed to him in a text of about the third century B.C. If a person follows the eight-fold path he would not depend on the machinations of the priests, and will be able to reach his destination.

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Q. Read the following passage and answer the (four) items that follow:
After the enlightenment, the Buddha walked over one hundred miles to India's holy city of Benares. In a deer park near the city, he preached his first sermon to the five followers who had previously renounced him. This sermon formed the basis of his teaching from then on. He spoke about The Four Noble Truths. The Four Noble Truths which came to the Buddha at the enlightenment revolve around the logical process of seeing life, seeing all actions, not as we wish to see them, but as they really are. The first truth is that life always incorporates suffering or Dukkha as it was called then. Dukkha has a broader meaning than suffering. It can be the feeling you experience when you encounter pain, old age, sickness, loss, or separation from loved ones, but it can also represent a general unsatisfied feeling. If you feel that your life is like pushing a supermarket trolley which always wants to go in a different direction, then that is Dukkha. In "The Vision of the Buddha" by Torn Lowenstein, the Buddha says, "What, monks, is the truth of suffering? Birth is suffering; decay, sickness, and death are sufferings. To be separated from what you like is suffering. To want something and not getting it is suffering. In short, the human personality, liable as it is to clinging and attachment brings suffering?” The second noble truth is that suffering in its broad sense, comes from desire, and specifically, desire for meeting our expectations and for self fulfillment as we see it. By desiring for ourselves rather than the whole, we will always have suffering. In the same way that a child wants a new toy and then, having achieved that, will long for yet another, we seek fulfillment of our desire, to then move on to another. All the time, our lives are only temporarily satisfied. So far, that is the bad news. In the language of many teenagers "life sucks." But Buddhism is a positive philosophy, and the next two noble truths give us an optimistic message. The third noble truth tells us that if our attachment to desire ends, so too will the suffering. Specifically if we change our perception and reduce our attachment to desire, suffering will also reduce. This is not intended to lead to a cancellation of the zest for life, but to an understanding of the nature of life and to controlling those desires which come from that lack of understanding. The fourth noble truth shows the way to the ending of suffering. The Buddha said that the way to cease suffering is to follow the middle way, the Noble Eightfold path. This provides the guidelines for day-to-day living. There is some analogy here with the Ten Commandments in Christianity, but the eightfold path is meant as a guideline rather than a strict rule. The Buddha reached this middle way after himself living the extremes of life. In his early years, he was surrounded by luxury, given access to all pleasures available at that time. In his search, he lived the opposite life, one where he deprived himself of even the essentials, and faced death. The Noble Eightfold path leads to a way, which embraces life and is neither indulgent nor austere. The Noble Eight-fold path is Right Understanding, Right Intent, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration. When the Buddha gave this first sermon to the world, he is said to have set in motion the Wheel of the Law. And the wheel as a Buddhist symbol appears over and over again in Buddhist art, symbolizing the cyclic nature of existence.

According to the passage, which of the following are true?

  1. (iii) and (iv)
  2. All of the above
  3. None of the above
  4. (i) and (ii)

After the enlightenment, the Buddha walked over one hundred miles to India's holy city of Benares. In a deer park near the city, he preached his first sermon to the five followers who had previously renounced him. This sermon formed the basis of his teaching from then on. He spoke about The Four Noble Truths. The Four Noble Truths which came to the Buddha at the enlightenment revolve around the logical process of seeing life, seeing all actions, not as we wish to see them, but as they really are. The first truth is that life always incorporates suffering or Dukkha as it was called then. Dukkha has a broader meaning than suffering. It can be the feeling you experience when you encounter pain, old age, sickness, loss, or separation from loved ones, but it can also represent a general unsatisfied feeling. If you feel that your life is like pushing a supermarket trolley which always wants to go in a different direction, then that is Dukkha. In "The Vision of the Buddha" by Torn Lowenstein, the Buddha says "What, monks, is the truth of suffering? Birth is suffering; decay, sickness, and death are sufferings. To be separated from what you like is suffering. To want something and not getting it is suffering. In short, the human personality, liable as it is to clinging and attachment brings suffering?” The second noble truth is that suffering in its broad sense, comes from desire, and specifically, desire for meeting our expectations and for self-fulfillment as we see it. By desiring for ourselves rather than the whole, we will always have suffering. In the same way that a child wants a new toy and then, having achieved that, will long for yet another, we seek fulfillment of our desire, to then move on to another. All the time, our lives are only temporarily satisfied. So far, that is the bad news. In the language of many teenagers "life sucks." But Buddhism is a positive philosophy, and the next two noble truths give us an optimistic message. The third noble truth tells us that if our attachment to desire ends, so too will the suffering. Specifically if we change our perception and reduce our attachment to desire, suffering will also reduce. This is not intended to lead to a cancellation of the zest for life, but to an understanding of the nature of life and to controlling those desires which come from that lack of understanding. The fourth noble truth shows the way to the ending of suffering. The Buddha said that the way to cease suffering is to follow the middle way, the Noble Eightfold path. This provides the guidelines for day-to-day living. There is some analogy here with the Ten Commandments in Christianity, but the eightfold path is meant as a guideline rather than a strict rule. The Buddha reached this middle way after himself living the extremes of life. In his early years, he was surrounded by luxury, given access to all pleasures available at that time. In his search, he lived the opposite life, one where he deprived himself of even the essentials, and faced death. The Noble Eightfold path leads to a way, which embraces life and is neither indulgent nor austere. The Noble Eight-fold path is Right Understanding, Right Intent, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration. When the Buddha gave this first sermon to the world, he is said to have set in motion the Wheel of the Law. And the wheel as a Buddhist symbol appears over and over again in Buddhist art, symbolizing the cyclic nature of existence.

Q73. Which of the following is not in accordance with the passage?

1. Desires are the root cause of all our sufferings.

2. Dukkha is a huge reality of human life.

3. The eight fold path can guide us away from Dukkha.

4. Controlling our mindless desires can lead us away from Dukkha.

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