an organic monobaric acid contains 18% C, 1.55% Hg and 55.04% Cl. itsa is 129. calculate its molecular formula
Percentage of Oxygen = 100 – (18+1.55+55.04)
= 25.41
Element | % Ratio | Simplest ratio | Empirical Formula |
Carbon | 18/12 = 1.5
| 1.5/1.5=1
| CClO
Chlorine | 55.04/35.5 = 1.5
| 1.5/1.5=1
Oxygen | 25.41/16 = 1.58
| 1.58/1.5= 1.05
Mercury | 1.55/200.5 = 0.00
| Neglected
Simplest molecular ratio = 129/25.41 = 5.07
The molecular formula = C5Cl5O5