Q. Consider the following statements regarding the Moplah rebellion:
Which of the statements given above are correct?
Q. मोपला विद्रोह के बारे में निम्नलिखित कथनों पर विचार करें:
ऊपर दिए गए कौन से कथन सही हैं?
Statement 1 is incorrect
The rebellion took place in the south Malabar region of the Madras presidency. Travancore was a native Indian state.
Statement 2 is correct
Moplah rebellion was directed at landlords(mainly Hindu zamindars) and British authorities
Statement 3 is correct
The annual session of the Congress, meeting at Ahmedabad in December 1921 passed a resolution affirming the fixed determination of the Congress to continue the programme of non-violent non-cooperation with greater vigour than hitherto till the Punjab and Khilafat wrongs ware redressed and Swarajya is established.The movement had, moreover, spread deep among the masses.In the Punjab the Sikhs were leading a movement, known as the Akali movement, to remove corrupt mahants from the Gurudwaras, their places of worship. In Malabar (Northern Kerala), the Moplahs, or Muslim peasants, created a powerful anti-zamindar movement.
Additional Information
The ruthless suppression of Khilafat agitations were also a motivation for the rebellion
कथन 1 गलत है।
कथन 2 सही है।
कथन 3 सही है।
अतिरिक्त जानकारी:
खिलाफत आंदोलन का निर्मम दमन भी इस विद्रोह से प्रेरित था।