Q. In the context of different exchange rate systems, which of the following pairs are correctly matched?
System | Description |
1. Pegged Exchange rate | Exchange rate will be always stable |
2. Currency Board | Unlimited currency can be printed |
3. Crawling Peg | Exchange rate fluctuates within the limits |
4. Dollarization | Dollar can be devalued at any time |
प्रणाली | विवरण |
1. पेगड एक्सचेंज रेट | विनिमय दर सदैव स्थिरता |
2. करेंसी बोर्ड | असीमित मात्रा में मुद्रा का मुद्रण |
3. क्रॉलिंग पेग | विनिमय दर का निर्धारित सीमा के अंतर्गत उतार-चढ़ाव |
4. डॉलराइजेशन | किसी भी समय डॉलर का अवमूल्यन करना |
Pair 1 is incorrectly matched: In a pegged exchange rate system, the value of a country’s currency is fixed against either the value of another country's currency or another measure of value, such as gold.
In this system, the government in order to keep their pegged rate stable, the national bank must hold large reserves of foreign currency to mitigate changes in supply and demand. If there exists a sudden demand for the currency, the national bank would have to release enough of that currency into the market to meet the demand.
Moreover, if the real world market value of the currency is not reflected by the pegged rate, the citizens may rush to exchange their money for other stable currencies. If this happens, it can lead to an economic disaster as the sudden flood of currency in world markets drives the exchange rate very low.
Pait 2 is incorrectly matched: Currency Board is also known as an extreme form of pegged exchange rate system. In this system, all the units of domestic currency in circulation will be backed with foreign currency i.e. having a 100% reserve requirement. Usually a conventional central bank can print money at its will, but a currency board must back additional units of currency with foreign currency. Hence, unlimited printing of currency can not be done.
Pair 3 is correctly matched: In a crawling peg system of exchange rate, there will be a band of rates in which a currency with a fixed exchange rate is allowed to fluctuate. A coordinated buying or selling of the currency will be done in order to keep the currency within range thus providing stability.
Pair 4 is incorrectly matched: In the Dollarization system, the U.S. dollar will be recognized as a medium of exchange or legal tender alongside or in place of the domestic currency of a nation. This is adopted because the local currency is unstable and it is losing its usefulness as a medium of exchange for market transactions.
The advantage of the system is the greater stability in the value of currency over a country's domestic currency.
But the adopted nation can not devalue the dollar and thus can not enjoy the benefits of devaluation in increasing the exports. Similarly, the Federal Reserve in the USA does not take into account the best interests of the adopted nation when creating and enacting the monetary policy.