The correct option is
A A and B are correct
Lamarckism describes evolution as a process that involves the inheritance of acquired characteristics, that is, any trait that the organism acquires during his/her lifetime would be passed on to the next generation. Lamarckism believed that any organs used more by an organism due to environmental changes shows a tendency to grow or get specialized more.
Darwinism, on the other hand, explains that variations in characteristics exist among organisms in nature as such, and those organisms that exhibit favourable variations (i.e., those variations that help the organism to survive and reproduce) would survive, passing on these traits to their offspring. Those organisms will be selected by nature. Darwinism believed in the survival of the fittest that means an organism with a favourable variation will survive and establish in that habitat.
Hence, statements A and B are correct whereas C and D are wrong.
For example:
If we take the long neck of giraffes to explain both the theories, then as per Lamarckism all giraffes in the beginning had small necks and in due course of time, long necks were developed to obtain leaves from tall trees.
As per Darwin, both long necked and short necked giraffes were there in the beginning, but long necked ones were able to forage more efficiently and they have been selected by nature whereas the short necked one became extinct due to competition.