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Represent the following data by a pie-diagram:
Items of expenditure Expenditure
Family A Family B
Food 4000 6400
Clothing 2500 480
Rent 1500 3200
Education 400 1000
Miscellaneous 1600 600
Total 10000 16000

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We know:
Central angle of a component = (component value/sum of component values × 360)
Here the total expenditure of family A = 10000 and family B = 11680

Thus the central angle for each component can be calculated as follows:
Item Expenditure (Family A) Sector angle (Family A) Expenditure
(Family B)
Sector angle
(Family B)
Food 4000 4000/10000 × 360 = 144 6400 6400/11680 × 360 = 197.3
Clothing 2500 2500/10000 × 360 = 90 480 480/11680 × 360 = 14.8
Rent 1500 1500/10000 × 360 = 54 3200 3200/11680 × 360 = 98.6
Education 400 400/10000 × 360 = 14.4 1000 1000/11680 × 360 = 30.8
Miscellaneous 1600 1600/10000 × 360 = 57.6 600 600/11680 × 360 = 18.5
Total expenditure of family A: 10000
Total expenditure of family B: 11680 (not 16000)

Now, the pie chat representing the given data can be constructed by following the steps below:
Step 1 : Draw circle of an appropriate radius.
Step 2 : Draw a vertical radius of the circle drawn in step 1.
Step 3 : Choose the largest central angle. Here the largest central angle is 144o. Draw a sector with the central angle 144o in such a way that one of its radii coincides with the radius drawn in step 2 and another radius is in its counter clockwise direction.
Step 4 : Construct other sectors representing the other items in the clockwise sense in descending order of magnitudes of their central angles.
Step 5 : Shade the sectors with different colours and label them, as shown as in figure below.​​

Family A

Family B

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