State the order of specific resistance of (i) a metal, (ii) a semiconductor, and (iii) an insulator.
Order of specific resistance:
Metal < Semiconductor < Insulator
By increasing the temperature, the specific resistance of a conductor and a semiconductor
In terms of band theory, what is the difference
(i) Between a conductor and an insulator ?
(ii) Between a conductor and a semiconductor ?
Which of the following represent correct order of conductivity in solids ?
(a) Kmetals >> Kinsulators < Ksemiconductors
(b) Kmetals << Kinsulators < Ksemiconductors
(c) Kmetals.,Ksemiconductors > Kinsulators=zero
(d) Kmetals < Ksemiconductors > Kinsulators≠zero